Relapse Prevention Plan Series Week 6: Accountability & Gratefulness

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Relapse Prevention Plan Template [Word Doc]

This is week 6 of the Relapse Prevention Plan Series, if you have not completed tasks from week 5 please see part 5 here, where you can catch up on previous week’s tasks for completion before continuing with this week. 

The final week of our Relapse Prevention Plan series will cover accountability (consequences), and gratefulness. 

Accountability means taking responsibility for your actions. This is done by having consequences for your actions which may hurt your recovery. You must have accountability from the beginning to keep yourself on track not just by having goals and motivation, but by knowing your own consequences for deviating from your plan. Accountability can include things like requiring yourself to tell a mentor or sponsor if you slip-up, the dread of having to own up to your actions to someone who is rooting for your recovery can be extremely powerful and keep you from ever committing the action in the first place. 

Being appreciative of what you have is gratefulness. Identifying what makes you grateful can help you stay on track in your recovery by helping you to be aware of what you could potentially lose, and help you realize important things that you shouldn’t be taking for granted. Things that you may be grateful for could be things like having a place to live, having a job, having a supportive spouse or friends, and much much more! 

Thank you so much for joining us on this journey to complete a relapse prevention plan! 

We would greatly appreciate your feedback on this series – please complete this survey to let us know how we did and maybe things we could do in the future to improve the experience. 

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